Samantha Allshouse and her mother, Lynda greeted guests as they arrived and handed them the ceremony program. All who took the time to come seemed pleased to participate in this long awaited opportunity to honor this sixth Veteran of the War of 1812, and the Veteran whose headstone is finally erected in its rightful place within the memorial enclosure.
The Dedication received wonderful coverage by the local TV stations, and two well written articles: by David Carkhuff in the Portland Daily, October 15, 2013 and by Ben McCanna in The Forecaster, October 16, 2013. These are significant not only because they celebrate the Dedication event, but they raise the consciousness of Portland citizens and beyond to appreciate how important it is to take care of our historic cemeteries. Though the Dedication ceremony is a milestone, it is not the end of our efforts to preserve the remnant that is the Grand Trunk Cemetery for future generations.
The Roots of the present lie deep
in the past,
and nothing in the past is dead
to the man who would learn
how the Present
came to be what it is.
Prof. W. Stubbs
When your children ask in time to come,
"What do these stones mean to you?"
then you shall tell them that....
"These stones shall be
a memorial forever...."
Joshua 4: 6a - 7